
synopsis:Mother of all our Python projects.

How many times have you noticed a utils subpackage or module?

Yeah. There is a lot of code duplication that occurs throughout our Python-based projects and results in code that is harder to maintain in the long term. Not to mention all the duplicate test code and more maintenance.

Therefore, we have decided to move all those util modules and subpackages to a central library, which we use throughout our projects. If you have a utils module, chances are you’re duplicating and wasting effort whereas instead you could use tested code provided by this library. If there’s something not included in this library and think it should, speak up.

synopsis:Deals with a lot of cross-version issues.

bytes, str, unicode, and basestring mean different things to Python 2.5, 2.6, and 3.x.

These are the original meanings of the types.

Python 2.5

  • bytes is not available.
  • str is a byte string.
  • unicode converts to unicode string.
  • basestring exists.

Python 2.6

  • bytes is available and maps to str
  • str is a byte string.
  • unicode converts to unicode string
  • basestring exists.

Python 3.x

  • bytes is available and does not map to str.
  • str maps to the earlier unicode, but unicode has been removed.
  • basestring has been removed.
  • unicode has been removed

This module introduces the “bytes” type for Python 2.5 and adds a few utility functions that will continue to keep working as they should even when Python versions change.

Rules to follow: * Use bytes where you want byte strings (binary data).

The meanings of these types have been changed to suit Python 3.


mom.builtins.bin(number, prefix='0b')

Converts a long value to its binary representation.

  • number – Long value.
  • prefix – The prefix to use for the bitstring. Default “0b” to mimic Python builtin bin().

Bit string.

mom.builtins.hex(number, prefix='0x')

Converts a integer value to its hexadecimal representation.

  • number – Integer value.
  • prefix – The prefix to use for the hexadecimal string. Default “0x” to mimic hex().

Hexadecimal string.


Converts a number between 0 and 255 (both inclusive) to a base-256 (byte) representation.

Use it as a replacement for chr where you are expecting a byte because this will work on all versions of Python.

Raises :class:struct.error on overflow.

Parameters:number – An unsigned integer between 0 and 255 (both inclusive).
Returns:A single byte.

Returns the ordinal value of the given byte.

Parameters:byte – The byte.
Returns:Integer representing ordinal value of the byte.

Bits and bytes size counting

mom.builtins.bytes_leading(raw_bytes, needle='\x00')

Finds the number of prefixed byte occurrences in the haystack.

Useful when you want to deal with padding.

  • raw_bytes – Raw bytes.
  • needle – The byte to count. Default .

The number of leading needle bytes.

mom.builtins.bytes_trailing(raw_bytes, needle='\x00')

Finds the number of suffixed byte occurrences in the haystack.

Useful when you want to deal with padding.

  • raw_bytes – Raw bytes.
  • needle – The byte to count. Default .

The number of trailing needle bytes.


Number of bits needed to represent a integer excluding any prefix 0 bits.

Parameters:number – Integer value. If num is 0, returns 0. Only the absolute value of the number is considered. Therefore, signed integers will be abs(num) before the number’s bit length is determined.
Returns:Returns the number of bits in the integer.

Number of bits needed to represent a integer excluding any prefix 0 bits.

Parameters:number – Integer value. If num is 0, returns 1. Only the absolute value of the number is considered. Therefore, signed integers will be abs(num) before the number’s bit length is determined.
Returns:Returns the number of bits in the integer.

Number of bytes needed to represent a integer excluding any prefix 0 bytes.

Parameters:number – Integer value. If num is 0, returns 0.
Returns:The number of bytes in the integer.

Size in bytes of an integer.

Parameters:number – Integer value. If num is 0, returns 1.
Returns:Size in bytes of an integer.

Type detection predicates


Determines whether the given value is a bytes instance.

Parameters:obj – The value to test.
Returns:True if value is a bytes instance; False otherwise.

Determines whether the given value is an instance of a string irrespective of whether it is a byte string or a Unicode string.

Parameters:obj – The value to test.
Returns:True if value is any type of string; False otherwise.

Determines whether the object value is actually an integer and not a bool.

Parameters:obj – The value to test.
Returns:True if yes; False otherwise.

Determines whether the given value is a sequence.

Sets, lists, tuples, bytes, dicts, and strings are treated as sequence.

Parameters:obj – The value to test.
Returns:True if value is a sequence; False otherwise.

Determines whether the given value is a Unicode string.

Parameters:obj – The value to test.
Returns:True if value is a Unicode string; False otherwise.

Number predicates

People screw these up too. Useful in functional programming.


Determines whether a number is even.

Parameters:num – Integer
Returns:True if even; False otherwise.

Determines whether a number is negative.

Parameters:num – Number
Returns:True if positive; False otherwise.

Determines whether a number is odd.

Parameters:num – Integer
Returns:True if odd; False otherwise.

Determines whether a number is positive.

Parameters:num – Number
Returns:True if positive; False otherwise.
synopsis:Common collections.


class mom.collections.SetQueue(maxsize=0)

Thread-safe implementation of an ordered set queue, which coalesces duplicate items into a single item if the older occurrence has not yet been read and maintains the order of items in the queue.

Ordered set queues are useful when implementing data structures like event buses or event queues where duplicate events need to be coalesced into a single event. An example use case is the inotify API in the Linux kernel which shares the same behavior.

Queued items must be immutable and hashable so that they can be used as dictionary keys or added to sets. Items must have only read-only properties and must implement the __hash__(), __eq__(), and __ne__() methods to be hashable.

Author:Yesudeep Manglapilly <>
Author:Lukáš Lalinský <>

An example item class implementation follows:

class QueuedItem(object):
    def __init__(self, a, b):
        self._a = a
        self._b = b

    def a(self):
        return self._a

    def b(self):
        return self._b

    def _key(self):
        return (self._a, self._b)

    def __eq__(self, item):
        return self._key() == item._key()

    def __ne__(self, item):
        return self._key() != item._key()

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self._key())
class mom.collections.AttributeDict(*args, **kw)

A dictionary with attribute-style access. It maps attribute access to the real dictionary.

Subclass properties will override dictionary keys.

Author:Alice Zoë Bevan–McGregor
License:MIT License.

alias of AttributeDict

synopsis:Decorators used throughout the library.

Marks functions as deprecated.

This is a decorator which can be used to mark functions as deprecated. It will result in a warning being emitted when the function is used.


def my_func():

def my_func():
Parameters:func – The function to deprecate.
Returns:Deprecated function object.
synopsis:Functional programming primitives.

Higher-order functions

These functions accept other functions as arguments and apply them over specific types of data structures. Here’s an example of how to find the youngest person and the oldest person from among people. Place it into a Python module and run it:

import pprint

from mom import functional

    {"name": "Harry",    "age": 100},
    {"name": "Hermione", "age": 16},
    {"name": "Rob",      "age": 200},

def youngest(person1, person2):
    '''Comparator that returns the youngest of two people.'''
    return person1 if person1["age"] <= person2["age"] else person2

def oldest(person1, person2):
    '''Comparator that returns the oldest of two people.'''
    return person1 if person1["age"] >= person2["age"] else person2

who_youngest = functional.reduce(youngest, PEOPLE)
who_oldest = functional.reduce(oldest, PEOPLE)

# -> {"age" : 16, "name" : "Hermione"}
# -> {"age" : 200, "name" : "Rob"}

# More examples.
# Now let's list all the names of the people.
names_of_people = functional.pluck(PEOPLE, "name")
# -> ("Harry", "Hermione", "Rob")

# Let's weed out all people who don't have an "H" in their names.
pprint.print(functional.reject(lambda name: "H" not in name,
# -> ("Harry", "Hermione")

# Or let's partition them into two groups
pprint.print(functional.partition(lambda name: "H" in name,
# -> (["Harry", "Hermione"], ["Rob"])

# Let's find all the members of a module that are not exported to wildcard
# imports by its ``__all__`` member.
pprint.print(functional.difference(dir(functional), functional.__all__))
# -> ["__all__",
#     "__author__",
#     "__builtins__",
#     "__doc__",
#     "__file__",
#     "__name__",
#     "__package__",
#     "_compose",
#     "_contains_fallback",
#     "_get_iter_next",
#     "_ifilter",
#     "_ifilterfalse",
#     "_leading",
#     "_some1",
#     "_some2",
#     "absolute_import",
#     "builtins",
#     "chain",
#     "collections",
#     "functools",
#     "itertools",
#     "map",
#     "starmap"]

Higher-order functions are extremely useful where you want to express yourself succinctly instead of writing a ton of for and while loops.


About consuming iterators multiple times

Now before you go all guns blazing with this set of functions, please note that Python generators/iterators are for single use only. Attempting to use the same iterator multiple times will cause unexpected behavior in your code.

Be careful.


  • A predicate is a function that returns the truth value of its argument.
  • A complement is a predicate function that returns the negated truth value of its argument.
  • A walker is a function that consumes one or more items from a sequence at a time.
  • A transform is a function that transforms its arguments to produce a result.
  • Lazy evaluation is evaluation delayed until the last possible instant.
  • Materialized iterables are iterables that take up memory equal to their size.
  • Dematerialized iterables are iterables (usually iterators/generators) that are evaluated lazily.

Iteration and aggregation

mom.functional.each(walker, iterable)

Iterates over iterable yielding each item in turn to the walker function.

  • walker

    The method signature is as follows:

    f(x, y)

    where x, y is a key, value pair if iterable is a dictionary, otherwise x, y is an index, item pair.

  • iterable – Iterable sequence or dictionary.
mom.functional.reduce(transform, iterable, *args)

Aggregate a sequence of items into a single item. Python equivalent of Haskell’s left fold.

Please see Python documentation for reduce. There is no change in behavior. This is simply a wrapper function.

If you need reduce_right (right fold):

reduce_right = foldr = lambda f, i: lambda s: reduce(f, s, i)
  • transform

    Function with signature:

    f(x, y)
  • iterable – Iterable sequence.
  • args – Initial value.

Aggregated item.


mom.functional.ireject(predicate, iterable)

Reject all items from the sequence for which the predicate is true.

ireject(function or None, sequence) –> iterator
  • predicate – Predicate function. If None, reject all truthy items.
  • iterable – Iterable to filter through.

A sequence of all items for which the predicate is false., iterable)

Select all items from the sequence for which the predicate is true.

iselect(function or None, sequence) –> iterator
  • predicate – Predicate function. If None, select all truthy items.
  • iterable – Iterable.

A iterable of all items for which the predicate is true.

mom.functional.partition(predicate, iterable)

Partitions an iterable into two iterables where for the elements of one iterable the predicate is true and for those of the other it is false.

  • predicate

    Function of the format:

    f(x) -> bool
  • iterable – Iterable sequence.

Tuple (selected, rejected)

mom.functional.reject(predicate, iterable)

Reject all items from the sequence for which the predicate is true.

reject(function or None, sequence) -> list
  • predicate – Predicate function. If None, reject all truthy items.
  • iterable – The iterable to filter through.

A list of all items for which the predicate is false., iterable)

Select all items from the sequence for which the predicate is true.

select(function or None, sequence) -> list
  • predicate – Predicate function. If None, select all truthy items.
  • iterable – Iterable.

A list of all items for which the predicate is true.


mom.functional.leading(predicate, iterable, start=0)

Returns the number of leading elements in the iterable for which the predicate is true.

  • predicate

    Predicate function of the form:

    f(x) -> bool
  • iterable – Iterable sequence.
  • start – Start index. (Number of items to skip before starting counting.)
mom.functional.tally(predicate, iterable)

Count how many times the predicate is true.

Taken from the Python documentation. Under the PSF license.

  • predicate – Predicate function.
  • iterable – Iterable sequence.

The number of times a predicate is true.

mom.functional.trailing(predicate, iterable, start=-1)

Returns the number of trailing elements in the iterable for which the predicate is true.

  • predicate

    Predicate function of the form:

    f(x) -> bool
  • iterable – Iterable sequence.
  • start – If start is negative, -1 indicates starting from the last item. Therefore, -2 would mean start counting from the second last item. If start is 0 or positive, it indicates the number of items to skip before beginning to count.



Generates a complementary predicate function for the given predicate function.

Parameters:predicate – Predicate function.
Returns:Complementary predicate function.
mom.functional.compose(function, *functions)

Composes a sequence of functions such that:

compose(g, f, s) -> g(f(s()))
Parameters:functions – An iterable of functions.
Returns:A composition function.


These functions take iterators as arguments., amount)

Advance an iterator n-steps ahead. If n is None, eat entirely.

Taken from the Python documentation. Under the PSF license.

  • iterator – An iterator.
  • amount – The number of steps to advance.

An iterator.

Iterable sequences

These functions allow you to filter, manipulate, slice, index, etc. iterable sequences.

Indexing and slicing

mom.functional.chunks(iterable, size, *args, **kwargs)

Splits an iterable into materialized chunks each of specified size.

  • iterable – The iterable to split. Must be an ordered sequence to guarantee order.
  • size – Chunk size.
  • padding

    This must be an iterable or None. So if you want a True filler, use [True] or (True, ) depending on whether the iterable is a list or a tuple. Essentially, it must be the same type as the iterable.

    If a pad value is specified appropriate multiples of it will be concatenated at the end of the iterable if the size is not an integral multiple of the length of the iterable:

    tuple(chunks(“aaabccd”, 3, “-”)) -> (“aaa”, “bcc”, “d–”)

    tuple(chunks((1, 1, 1, 2, 2), 3, (None,))) -> ((1, 1, 1, ), (2, 2, None))

    If no padding is specified, nothing will be appended if the chunk size is not an integral multiple of the length of the iterable. That is, the last chunk will have chunk size less than the specified chunk size. :yields: Generator of materialized chunks.


Returns the first element out of an iterable.

Parameters:iterable – Iterable sequence.
Returns:First element of the iterable sequence.
mom.functional.ichunks(iterable, size, *args, **kwargs)

Splits an iterable into iterators for chunks each of specified size.

  • iterable – The iterable to split. Must be an ordered sequence to guarantee order.
  • size – Chunk size.
  • padding

    If a pad value is specified appropriate multiples of it will be appended to the end of the iterator if the size is not an integral multiple of the length of the iterable:

    map(tuple, ichunks(“aaabccd”, 3, “-”)) -> [(“a”, “a”, “a”), (“b”, “c”, “c”), (“d”, “-”, “-”)]

    map(tuple, ichunks(“aaabccd”, 3, None)) -> [(“a”, “a”, “a”), (“b”, “c”, “c”), (“d”, None, None)]

    If no padding is specified, nothing will be appended if the chunk size is not an integral multiple of the length of the iterable. That is, the last chunk will have chunk size less than the specified chunk size. :yields: Generator of chunk iterators.

mom.functional.ipeel(iterable, count=1)

Returns an iterator for the meat of an iterable by peeling off the specified number of elements from both ends.

  • iterable – Iterable sequence.
  • count – The number of elements to remove from each end.

Peel iterator.


Returns an iterator for all elements excluding the first out of an iterable.

Parameters:iterable – Iterable sequence.
Yields:Iterator for all elements of the iterable sequence excluding the first.

Returns the last element out of an iterable.

Parameters:iterable – Iterable sequence.
Returns:Last element of the iterable sequence.
mom.functional.nth(iterable, index, default=None)

Returns the nth element out of an iterable.

  • iterable – Iterable sequence.
  • index – Index
  • default – If not found, this or None will be returned.

nth element of the iterable sequence.

mom.functional.peel(iterable, count=1)

Returns the meat of an iterable by peeling off the specified number of elements from both ends.

  • iterable – Iterable sequence.
  • count – The number of elements to remove from each end.

Peeled sequence.


Returns all elements excluding the first out of an iterable.

Parameters:iterable – Iterable sequence.
Returns:All elements of the iterable sequence excluding the first.

Returns items from the iterables in a round-robin fashion.

Taken from the Python documentation. Under the PSF license. Recipe credited to George Sakkis


round_robin("ABC", "D", "EF") --> A D E B F C"
Parameters:iterables – Variable number of inputs for iterable sequences.
Yields:Items from the iterable sequences in a round-robin fashion.
mom.functional.take(iterable, amount)

Return first n items of the iterable as a tuple.

Taken from the Python documentation. Under the PSF license.

  • amount – The number of items to obtain.
  • iterable – Iterable sequence.

First n items of the iterable as a tuple.

mom.functional.ncycles(iterable, times)

Yields the sequence elements n times.

Taken from the Python documentation. Under the PSF license.

  • iterable – Iterable sequence.
  • times – The number of times to yield the sequence.



Returns a dictionary of counts (multiset) of each element in the iterable.

Taken from the Python documentation under PSF license.

Parameters:iterable – Iterable sequence with hashable elements.
Returns:A dictionary of counts of each element in the iterable.

Manipulation, filtering

mom.functional.contains(iterable, item)

Determines whether the iterable contains the value specified.

  • iterable – Iterable sequence.
  • item – The value to find.

True if the iterable sequence contains the value; False otherwise.

mom.functional.omits(iterable, item)

Determines whether the iterable omits the value specified.

  • iterable – Iterable sequence.
  • item – The value to find.

True if the iterable sequence omits the value; False otherwise.


Returns a iterable with only the falsy values.


falsy((0, 1, 2, False, None, True)) -> (0, False, None)
Parameters:iterable – Iterable sequence.
Returns:Iterable with falsy values.

Returns a iterator for an iterable with only the falsy values.


tuple(ifalsy((0, 1, 2, False, None, True))) -> (0, False, None)
Parameters:iterable – Iterable sequence.
Yields:Iterator for an iterable with falsy values.

Returns an iterator to for an iterable with only the truthy values.


tuple(itruthy((0, 1, 2, False, None, True))) -> (1, 2, True)
Parameters:iterable – Iterable sequence.
Yields:Iterator for an iterable with truthy values.

Returns a iterable with only the truthy values.


truthy((0, 1, 2, False, None, True)) -> (1, 2, True)
Parameters:iterable – Iterable sequence.
Returns:Iterable with truthy values.
mom.functional.without(iterable, *values)

Returns the iterable without the values specified.

  • iterable – Iterable sequence.
  • values – Variable number of input values.

Iterable sequence without the values specified.

Flattening, grouping, unions, differences, and intersections


Flattens nested iterables into a single iterable.


flatten((1, (0, 5, ("a", "b")), (3, 4))) -> [1, 0, 5, "a", "b", 3, 4]
Parameters:iterable – Iterable sequence of iterables.
Returns:Iterable sequence of items.

Flattens nested iterables into a single iterable only one level deep.


flatten1((1, (0, 5, ("a", "b")), (3, 4))) -> [1, 0, 5, ("a", "b"), 3, 4]
Parameters:iterable – Iterable sequence of iterables.
Returns:Iterable sequence of items.
mom.functional.group_consecutive(predicate, iterable)

Groups consecutive elements into subsequences:

things = [("phone", "android"),
          ("phone", "iphone"),
          ("tablet", "ipad"),
          ("laptop", "dell studio"),
          ("phone", "nokia"),
          ("laptop", "macbook pro")]

list(group_consecutive(lambda w: w[0], things))
-> [(("phone", "android"), ("phone", "iphone")),
    (("tablet", "ipad"),),
    (("laptop", "dell studio"),),
    (("phone", "nokia"),),
    (("laptop", "macbook pro"),)]

list(group_consecutive(lambda w: w[0], "mississippi"))
-> [("m",), ("i",),
    ("s", "s"), ("i",),
    ("s", "s"), ("i",),
    ("p", "p"), ("i",)]
  • predicate – Predicate function that returns True or False for each element of the iterable.
  • iterable – An iterable sequence of elements.

An iterator of lists.

mom.functional.flock(predicate, iterable)

Groups elements into subsequences after sorting:

things = [("phone", "android"),
          ("phone", "iphone"),
          ("tablet", "ipad"),
          ("laptop", "dell studio"),
          ("phone", "nokia"),
          ("laptop", "macbook pro")]

list(flock(lambda w: w[0], things))
-> [(("laptop", "dell studio"), ("laptop", "macbook pro")),
    (("phone", "android"), ("phone", "iphone"), ("phone", "nokia")),
    (("tablet", "ipad"),)]

list(flock(lambda w: w[0], "mississippi"))
-> [("i", "i", "i", "i"), ("m",), ("p", "p"), ("s", "s", "s", "s")]
  • predicate – Predicate function that returns True or False for each element of the iterable.
  • iterable – An iterable sequence of elements.

An iterator of lists.

mom.functional.intersection(iterable, *iterables)

Returns the intersection of given iterable sequences.

Parameters:iterables – Variable number of input iterable sequences.
Returns:Intersection of the iterable sequences in the order of appearance in the first sequence.
mom.functional.idifference(iterable1, iterable2)

Difference between one iterable and another. Items from the first iterable are included in the difference.

iterable1 - iterable2 = difference
  • iterable1 – Iterable sequence.
  • iterable2 – Iterable sequence.

Generator for the difference between the two given iterables.

mom.functional.difference(iterable1, iterable2)

Difference between one iterable and another. Items from the first iterable are included in the difference.

iterable1 - iterable2 = difference

For example, here is how to find out what your Python module exports to other modules using wildcard imports:

>> difference(dir(mom.functional), mom.functional.__all__)
 # Elided...
  • iterable1 – Iterable sequence.
  • iterable2 – Iterable sequence.

Iterable sequence containing the difference between the two given iterables.

mom.functional.union(iterable, *iterables)

Returns the union of given iterable sequences.

Parameters:iterables – Variable number of input iterable sequences.
Returns:Union of the iterable sequences.
mom.functional.unique(iterable, is_sorted=False)

Returns an iterable sequence of unique values from the given iterable.

  • iterable – Iterable sequence.
  • is_sorted – Whether the iterable has already been sorted. Works faster if it is.

Iterable sequence of unique values.

Dictionaries and dictionary sequences


Inverts a dictionary.

Parameters:dictionary – Dictionary to invert.
Returns:New dictionary with the keys and values switched.
mom.functional.ipluck(dicts, key, *args, **kwargs)

Plucks values for a given key from a series of dictionaries as an iterator.

  • dicts – Iterable sequence of dictionaries.
  • key – The key to fetch.
  • default – The default value to use when a key is not found. If this value is not specified, a KeyError will be raised when a key is not found.

Iterator of values for the key.

mom.functional.map_dict(transform, dictionary)

Maps over a dictionary of key, value pairs.

Parameters:transform – Function that accepts two arguments key, value and returns a (new key, new value) pair.
Returns:New dictionary of new key=new value pairs.
mom.functional.pluck(dicts, key, *args, **kwargs)

Plucks values for a given key from a series of dictionaries.

  • dicts – Iterable sequence of dictionaries.
  • key – The key to fetch.
  • default – The default value to use when a key is not found. If this value is not specified, a KeyError will be raised when a key is not found.

Tuple of values for the key.

mom.functional.reject_dict(predicate, dictionary)

Reject from a dictionary.

Parameters:predicate – Predicate function that accepts two arguments key, value and returns True for rejected elements.
Returns:New dictionary of selected key=value pairs.
mom.functional.select_dict(predicate, dictionary)

Select from a dictionary.

Parameters:predicate – Predicate function that accepts two arguments key, value and returns True for selectable elements.
Returns:New dictionary of selected key=value pairs.
mom.functional.partition_dict(predicate, dictionary)

Partitions a dictionary into two dictionaries where for the elements of one dictionary the predicate is true and for those of the other it is false.

  • predicate

    Function of the format:

    f(key, value) -> bool
  • dictionary – Dictionary.

Tuple (selected_dict, rejected_dict)

Predicates, transforms, and walkers


Predicate function that returns True always.

Parameters:_ – Argument

Returns a predicate function that returns the given constant.

Parameters:c – The constant that the generated predicate function will return.
Returns:A predicate function that returns the specified constant.

Identity function. Produces what it consumes.

Parameters:arg – Argument

Complement of bool.

Parameters:arg – Python value.
Returns:Complementary boolean value.

Predicate function that returns False always.

Parameters:_ – Argument
mom.functional.nothing(*args, **kwargs)

A function that does nothing.

  • args – Any number of positional arguments.
  • kwargs – Any number of keyword arguments.
synopsis:Implements itertools for older versions of Python.
copyright:2010-2011 by Daniel Neuhäuser
license:BSD, PSF

Borrowed from brownie.itools.

synopsis:Math routines.


mom.math.gcd(num_a, num_b)

Calculates the greatest common divisor.

Non-recursive fast implementation.

  • num_a – Long value.
  • num_b – Long value.

Greatest common divisor.

mom.math.inverse_mod(num_a, num_b)

Returns inverse of a mod b, zero if none

Uses Extended Euclidean Algorithm

  • num_a – Long value
  • num_b – Long value

Inverse of a mod b, zero if none.

mom.math.lcm(num_a, num_b)

Least common multiple.

  • num_a – Integer value.
  • num_b – Integer value.

Least common multiple.

mom.math.pow_mod(base, power, modulus)
base**pow mod modulus

Uses multi bit scanning with nBitScan bits at a time. From Bryan G. Olson’s post to comp.lang.python

Does left-to-right instead of pow()’s right-to-left, thus about 30% faster than the python built-in with small bases

  • base – Base
  • power – Power
  • modulus – Modulus

base**pow mod modulus



Generates a random prime number.

Parameters:bits – Number of bits.
Returns:Prime number long value.

Unused at the moment.

Generates a random prime number.

Parameters:bits – Number of bits.
Returns:Prime number long value.
mom.math.is_prime(num, iterations=5, sieve=sieve)

Determines whether a number is prime.

  • num – Number
  • iterations – Number of iterations.

True if prime; False otherwise.

synopsis:MIME-Type Parser.

This module provides basic functions for handling mime-types. It can handle matching mime-types against a list of media-ranges. See section 14.1 of the HTTP specification [RFC 2616] for a complete explanation.



Parses a mime-type into its component parts.

Parameters:mime_type – Mime type as a byte string.
Returns:A tuple of the (type, subtype, params) where ‘params’ is a dictionary of all the parameters for the media range. For example, the media range b’application/xhtml;q=0.5’ would get parsed into:

(b’application’, b’xhtml’, {‘q’: b‘0.5’})


Parse a media-range into its component parts.

Parameters:media_range – Media range as a byte string.
Returns:A tuple of the (type, subtype, params) where ‘params’ is a dictionary of all the parameters for the media range. For example, the media range b’application/xhtml;q=0.5’ would get parsed into:

(b’application’, b’xhtml’, {‘q’: b‘0.5’})

In addition this function also guarantees that there is a value for ‘q’ in the params dictionary, filling it in with a proper default if necessary.

mom.mimeparse.quality(mime_type, ranges)

Return the quality (‘q’) of a mime-type against a list of media-ranges.

For example:

>>> Quality(b'text/html',b'text/*;q=0.3, text/html;q=0.7,
              text/html;level=1, text/html;level=2;q=0.4, */*;q=0.5')
  • mime_type – The mime-type to compare.
  • ranges – A list of media ranges.

Returns the quality ‘q’ of a mime-type when compared against the media-ranges in ranges.

mom.mimeparse.quality_parsed(mime_type, parsed_ranges)

Find the best match for a mime-type amongst parsed media-ranges.

  • mime_type – The mime-type to compare.
  • parsed_ranges – A list of media ranges that have already been parsed by parsed_media_range().

The ‘q’ quality parameter of the best match, 0 if no match was found.

mom.mimeparse.best_match(supported, header)

Return mime-type with the highest quality (‘q’) from list of candidates.

Takes a list of supported mime-types and finds the best match for all the media-ranges listed in header.

>>> BestMatch([b'application/xbel+xml', b'text/xml'],
               b'text/*;q=0.5,*/*; q=0.1')
  • supported – A list of supported mime-types. The list of supported mime-types should be sorted in order of increasing desirability, in case of a situation where there is a tie.
  • header – Atring that conforms to the format of the HTTP Accept: header.

Mime-type with the highest quality (‘q’) from the list of candidates.

synopsis:string module compatibility.